For Such as I Have…

Milk & Honey

This is a repost of the story “For Such as I Have” which was posted before my official launch.  It is my inspiration and desire for this Blog.  If you are reading it for the second time, maybe consider what you have to offer those you encounter around you.  We have each been given in order to bless others.  May you be blessed today!


Have you ever made a request for one thing and received something entirely different, far better than you thought possible, and it changed everything?

In Acts 3, we encounter the story of Peter and John making their way to the temple for prayer.  As they reach the gate named Beautiful, a man crippled since birth asks them for money.  His request was specific…money.  This was a common occurrence.  This man was there every day.  He would have been there when Jesus came to the temple.  This man needed others to carry him, to provide for him, to meet his most basic needs.  The man was asking, hand extended, but not expecting to receive.  He made no eye contact as he asked.  Presumably his head was down, voicing his need in a discouraged fashion and doing as he had always done.  One by one, the people (God’s people) were passing by and entering the temple.  How many paid him a moment of attention?  Had he just become part of the scenery?  Did he just blend in to his surroundings?  Would not at least one person acknowledge him?  This is exactly what Peter did.  Peter asked the man to look at them.  Acknowledgement…some acknowledgement of his presence.  Eye contact with others, how long had it been?  Raising his head, he looked up with expectation, hoping to receive some small thing.  Yet not receiving what he was expecting.  Not even close!

First, he received a word.  They did not have what he wanted, but were willing to give what they had.  Silver or gold were the common givings.  Whatever could be spared was usually dropped to him.  They had none.  Instead, they gave him words of hope.  “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” (v.6)  No coins, but rather given a command to walk.  Looking up at them, what was he to do with that?  Had he ever walked?  Could he now?  Peter offered more.

Peter offered to take his hand.  Peter took his right hand.  The right hand, symbolic of fellowship, was grasped.  Everything changed with this gesture.  Movement was initiated; things were changing.  His view was changing.  His perspective was changing.  His life was changing.  Then it happened.  Strength came.  Instantly, his feet and his ankles became steady and firm.  Energy came.  Jumping, leaping and walking.  Healing came.  It had arrived unexpectedly with acknowledgement, with words, with a touch.  Everything had changed with these simple gestures.

It did not end there.  As Peter and John gave what they had to this man, others received in the process.  God received praised by all who saw.  Those who recognized him received wonder and amazement in the midst of their routine.  Even Peter and John received…the opportunity to speak to all who had gathered around. 

Sometimes we ask for something.  Sometimes we offer something.  Sometimes we receive something.  Sometimes we benefit as a bystander just being present.  Often it is not what we were expecting.  But from any position, we can give God the praise for what He is doing in, through, or around us.

As you look around, I am here.  I come to offer you what I have.  I offer my words of hope of compassion, encouragement, and truth.  Acknowledging this journey we are all on.  We all traverse the seasons of life one day at a time.  I share with you glimpses of my journey with hopes of encouraging you on yours.  I offer my fellowship…camaraderie, community, and authenticity.  We are in this together.  Often, we feel alone, disconnected and weary without another beside us.  It does not have to be so.  And lastly, with God’s help, I offer you strength in the name of Jesus Christ.  He is our refuge from the elements, our tower for perspective, our light in the darkness, our shield for protection, our shepherd for direction, our rock who is steadfast, and our righteousness!  May God be praised!

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Carol C.
    February 29, 2016 at 6:59 pm

    Thanks Stacee! Wow, you’ve really had a year! Thanks so much for sharing with me. We have moved now and will have more time to read your wonderful words. Love you much.


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