Called to a Fruitful Life

Milk & Honey



Some days I wonder what kind of fruit am I cultivating?  I long to use tender words, respond peacefully and act kindly to show my love.  However, the reality seems more like short, snippy words, flared responses and selfish acts with no evidence of love.  I am aware, because scripture tells me; I am called to be fruitful.  Fruit doesn’t grow unless seeds are planted, watered and cultivated.  What I plant, I will reap. 


If we want to cultivate fruit, we must plant expecting fruit.  Fruit, for the most part, is sweet, tender, juicy and satisfying.  Therefore, my seeds must have characteristics that resemble the fruit it will become.  If I plant sweet acts of kindness, implement tender touches, shower juicy attention and share satisfying truths, I am laying the ground work for fruit to grow.


After planting, seeds need to be watered.  Any seed, if left dry, remains dormant.  It lies there waiting.  I can water the seeds I planted with words which encourage, build up and promote truth.  Words, like water, are packed with power.  As they flow, they carry nutrients along to new destinations, creeping into places where little else can reach.  When they moisten the seed, it activates growth. 


It is also important to remember seeds are cultivated with time.  No matter how many seeds you plant and how well you water them, only with time can you see the evidence of growth.  After planting and watering, it may appear as if nothing is happening.  Fruit doesn’t just pop out the next day.  Slowly, the dirt begins to move and hint of a green nub suddenly pushes forth.  Day by day, it bends and unfolds, ever reaching up.  More water and more time prove to strengthen and grow the tender shoot.  Before long, a small bud will bloom into a lovely flower.  This still isn’t fruit, but continued watering and time string along the waiting as the fruit begins to burst forth from the flower.  Not yet ripe…but more watering and time will lend to the desired result of sweet, juicy and satisfying fruit.


Each of these is a step, taken one at a time, to reap the beautiful and succulent fruit.  I must plant the seeds of the fruit I desire.  I must water with appropriate words.  I must be patient and give the time needed for the fruit to grow.  It is worth every step.  Plant on!  We are called to bear much fruit! (John 15:8)



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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Carol Clark
    January 19, 2017 at 7:54 am

    Thanks Stacee, needed to hear that today.

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