Be Still

The Whole Ball of Wax


There are two times a year I have kindly labeled The Hemorrhages.  They revolve around the school year.  One comes in August and the other in May, but are called this for very different reasons.  Each August, school starts.  Every year, planning and preparing, but knowing our budget takes a hit with every back to school need and fee under the sun.  No matter how much I think will be needed, there is always a surprise.  Check after check, debit after debit, the financial hemorrhage happens.  On the flip side, May arrives bringing the end of the school year.  With this comes commitments a plenty.  From end of school year programs to award ceremonies, playoff games to final exams, and graduations commencements to assorted parties, the calendar maxes out for everyone.  The hemorrhage of commitments begins.  Every ounce of effort is made to be ready, but there never seems to be enough time.


Time and money are precious commodities.  We try to balance the demands for each and hope to feeling we come out on top.  Holidays, vacations, over-committing, struggling to say no or lack of planning can throw a curve into either of these resources.  Whatever comes at you, we have the option to step back, seek God and allow Him to remind us to “be still and know that (He is) God (Psalm 46:10).”  When demands for these commodities begin to spin out of control, God doesn’t expect us to rush in headlong and attempt to make it stop on our own.  The answers to solve the tailspins are found in Him.


Connecting with God can be a challenge when areas of life don’t seem to be under our control.  The faster things around us move, the harder it is for us to be still.  We must slow our minds, steady ourselves and choose being still before God, so fresh connection with Him can be breathed over our life and our problems.  He holds the answer to every question you have.  Taking the time to ask Him and to wait for His answer feels difficult, but it is just the thing needed.  Spending time with God brings perspective to our challenges, clarity to our responsibilities and peace to our hearts.


As May approaches, a glance at my calendar reminds me what is ahead.  I have the opportunity, right now, to kick this off well by planning to be still before my God and allow Him to answer, direct and order all that is before me.  He is just waiting for me.  Like children exiting the merry-go-round at the park, we must grab on to Him to steady ourselves as life spins around us.  Anchor in and know He is God.



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1 Comment

  • Reply
    April 28, 2017 at 7:20 am

    This is so true! Slowing down, it’s the same message I keep getting over and over. Thanks.

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