Lest we Forget

Milk & Honey



Do you ever watch other families and see how they celebrate, wishing you had thought of that?  Some are easy to capture and make your own while others just won’t ever happen as the window of opportunity has closed.  I discovered once about filling your child’s room with balloons for their birthday after they have fallen asleep.  Such a joyful thing to wake up to on your birthday!  My kids are grown and out on their own, so this is a missed opportunity.  Sometimes I feel this way about church traditions and celebrations.  Growing up in mostly non-denominational churches, I remember very few traditions, even around major celebrations, like Christmas and Easter.  Only in my adult years have I started to look at other family members (denominations) and captured for my own their traditions.  One of these is Lent.


For years, I would “plan” to participate in Lent—think about from what I could fast, take the 40 days to really focus in and make this year more significant at Easter.  Then, I would arrive at the month in which Easter fell that year and realize…I missed my window again!  I never had Ash Wednesday on my calendar and didn’t attend a church that would help me remember.  The whole concept of 40 days before Easter beginning at least the month before, if not two months prior was just beyond my ability to grasp.  My heart and mind desired to engage in celebrating differently, but failing to plan never allowed me to participate in the tradition.


Last year, I was praying through the launch date of my website.  As I sat with a calendar in front of me, I saw Ash Wednesday.  This year would be different, I knew.  I marked the date and felt prompted to make that the day to launch my site.  I began to focus in on being obedient about preparing to share my new journey with others.  I also had started a Bible reading program which included a Lent reading.  I was all set on both fronts.  2016 was my first year of participating with heart and action in Lent.  My reading plan taught me about the traditions of Ash Wednesday; of Lent; of incorporating repenting, fasting and praying; of who God is and about His mercy; and the walk of Christ through Holy week.  My experience in surrendering to His call to obedience in launching and walking through God’s Word during Lent was truly a blessing.  A tradition I now plan to integrate every year.


This year, I am celebrating God’s faithfulness to me in providing topics every week to write about for the encouragement of all of you.  Looking back over this past year, I am amazed I was able to write every week and about so many different things.  He is so faithful to provide the things needed in what He calls us to do.  I have also started my Lent scripture reading which, this year, focuses on Isaiah and the prophecies of Christ, our promised Messiah.  I am adding a devotional this year about decrease—a different kind of hunger and fasting.  My heart is ready to dive deep this season; reflecting on and preparing to rejoice in what Christ has done for me and all mankind.


Traditions provide us opportunities to remember.  By practicing annually, we deepen our understanding of our relationships and connections, valuing what is important.  Just as with birthday and holiday traditions, our spiritual traditions offer these same things.  Lent provides a time for us to understand our relationship with Christ, our connection (or lack of) to Him and a sifting through to find what is important in our life with Him.  I encourage you to participate in Lent this year.  Even if you are a day or three behind, you won’t regret stepping into the journey with Christ towards the cross (death) and the resurrection (life) He is offering you.  Start a new tradition, engage an old one or a little of both!  Participating helps us remember—Lest we forget!




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