Quiet the Crowing

Milk & Honey, The Whole Ball of Wax

Every morning, the rooster beckons the sunrise with a call for all to be reminded, it is a new day.  In reading and reflecting during this Lent season, I am captivated by Peter’s denial of Christ.  Jesus tells Peter, so specifically; he would deny Him three times, that very night, before the rooster crows.  He walks through the evening and when the crowing comes, he is overwhelmed by the truth spoken over him…and grief eclipses him.  For the rest of his life, as a rooster crows, is he reminded of this low point in his walk with Jesus?  How could he quiet the crowing reminder of the denials in his own head?  How do we allow God to redeem the mistakes in our own lives when we hear the crowing over and over…sometimes daily…reminding us of our low points in our own relationship with Christ?

As I think through my own struggles to live as Christ desires, I hear the crowing of my shortcomings as well.  For I, also, have avidly defended myself and what I would never do, only to turn around and do it.  How did it happen?  Fear.  We often mirror Peter.  We all have our moments where we fail to live as Christ calls us to live.  Fear is a common reason we fail.  We choose not to believe His power and His strength will be enough to see us through.  Fear sets in as Peter watches the events of Jesus’ arrest, trial and conviction unfold before him.

            How could this be happening…

            He is the Messiah, the Son of God…


Moving forward in the story, we have the opportunity to see Jesus encounter and encourage Peter after his denials, after the resurrection.  Here, Jesus asks him, “Do you love Me?”  Peter answers affirmatively.  Again, he is asked about his love and again he says yes.  Grief sets in again as Jesus asks a third time if Peter loves Him.  It hurt, being questioned about his love for Jesus.  Yet we see that Jesus asks this three times, the same number as the denials.  This was necessary.  Peter needed to affirm his love, out loud, to be fully restored.

This is the same for us.  We can find restoration for our own hearts and lives, after times of denial and failure, by affirming our love of Christ.  We, too, may need to do this out loud.  Hearing his own voice, Peter is counteracting the verbal denials with verbal truths.  This can lift our burdened hearts in the same way.  So no matter how big or how small your failure has been, today is the day to declare and affirm your love for Jesus.  This restores us to the path that Christ desires for us to walk.  Restoring our hearts, restoring our purpose, and restoring our life.







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