The Days of Summer Camp

The Whole Ball of Wax



The swelter of summer is upon us.  I miss the days of old when I spent my summers at the lake near the town in which I grew up.  Hours of swimming around, floating on rafts and the occasional canoe outing were greatly enjoyed.  We rarely ever felt hot, as the lake kept us cool.  Mid-summer also held a special break from the water play.  The week of summer camp always fell in July and was a welcome and fun change of activity.  For six days, I gathered with other kids my age to experience a focused time seeking to know more of Jesus.  Through worship, games, study sessions and an abundance of fellowship, we discovered more about Him.  I never went with a group, so I never knew with whom I would share these experiences.  I have vivid memories of every cabin, the worship hall, the creek, the cross on top of the hill, the dining commons and the ball field.  I long for the days of summer camp.


I might not miss the freezing showers every morning, but I miss having the days of intensively focusing on Jesus.  What would my life be like if I took just six days every year to really lean in and experience time in worship, study and fellowship revolving only around Him?  Camp gave that feeling, as if, this was how life was truly supposed to be.  I distinctly remember conversations with one camp counselor who was going to college in Texas.  He broadened my understanding of what my relationship with Jesus could look like and what my salvation, years before, really meant.  It was a pivotal moment in my walk with Christ.  Like this, Aa-ha moments shaped my life and moved me deeper with Jesus.  I wonder if some focused time with Him would do the same now.


I might not miss the less than appetizing food, but I miss the fun and fellowship of having kitchen duty with all my brothers and sisters of the week.  Experiencing fellowship during service is a unique opportunity to come together as the body of Christ and watch what can be accomplished.  I have glimpses of this serving with my local church, but maybe I need to seek out other occasions to connect in similar ways.  Deep joy and satisfaction were experienced when we worked together.  I wonder if spending some time with others in service would do the same now.


I might not miss the lack of air conditioning or the mosquitoes, but I miss the anticipation of unknown adventures.  The heat and humidity made for some difficult nights sleeping, but our counselors made up for that by helping us plan surprises or pranks on other cabins, night walks to explore in the dark and secret meetings in our own cabin.  Never knowing what might arise when it was lights out kept us alert and anticipating.  The potential for something unknown created hope and excitement.  Both are life-giving feelings.  I wonder if letting someone plan an unknown adventure would do the same now.


Life as an adult offers us choices and freedoms we never had as a kid.  However, we also have responsibilities we didn’t have then either.  Maybe there are summer camps for adults…I think they may have shortened them and called them retreats.  No matter, it has been quite awhile since I have experienced focused time with Jesus, the laughter of service together and unknown adventures.  I wonder…is there a way to experience some of these soon?





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  • Reply
    Carol Clark
    July 7, 2017 at 12:54 pm

    Here’s what you should do!
    No planning, just hopping on a plane with an unknown itinerary. Leaving all the details and planning to someone else.

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