Just Ask

Milk & Honey



My heart weighs heavy.  My spirit is burdened.  Over the past few months, story after story being shared with me reveals the battle waged against those who love the Lord.  The attackers come for marriages, for children, for health and for truth all around us.  As the body of Christ, we need to join with our brothers and sisters, unite on behalf of those struggling to regain their foothold and seek the victory offered to us through Jesus Christ.  We were never meant to fight alone. 


When the enemy comes, often our natural response is to bear down and fight alone.  Initially, many have been caught by surprise.  As awareness of our situation grows, we fail to share because of embarrassment, privacy or fear.  Slowly, we find ourselves deeper and deeper behind enemy lines with no support in sight.  Often wondering how we got here and how are we going to get out.  Needing help, we may look around hoping someone will notice we aren’t ok.  But how do we drop a bomb like this on some unsuspecting friend who may not really be volunteering to help?


The enemy prefers to keep us isolated and in darkness.  Isolation and darkness make it difficult for truth to enter in.  Without light to see or a hand to hold, we often find ourselves grasping at anything to which we can hold on—fumbling to find light so we can see more clearly.  God has given us the resources of community and friendship for these moments.  Allowing others to enter in breaks apart some of the hold the enemy has achieved.  They bring light to the darkness, give us a hand to steady our stance and fortify our strength to help us advance.  We can’t let embarrassment or fear keep us from these gifts He offers.


Remembering the battles are not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12), we should feel no shame for what we are facing.  This war isn’t between parents and children, husbands and wives, or really even for health or about opinions.  The powers of darkness are raging against spiritual forces in heavenly realms (v. 12) and we have become targets because we belong to God.  We are told in James chapter 1 that trials and temptations will be a natural part of life, as children of God.  But, rather than living in this knowledge, we feel the need to wear a cloak, hiding our desperation.  As brothers and sisters in Christ, we need unity and peace, not just with each other, but in our own lives.  If one of us faces a trial or temptation, little peace is felt during the battle.  By uniting with others and battling together for the peace of our brother or sister, we glorify the Father.  Darkness is defeated because of the blood of Jesus Christ.  When we come together, as those covered by His blood, the powers of darkness fail.  We need each other for the tough things facing us in this life. 


Whether you are battling for yourself or for someone you love, trust the body of Christ and let others join you.  God has placed a person or two within your personal sphere of friends that is trustworthy, a lover of truth, full of grace and compassion, flowing with encouragement and willing to fight with you.  Pray for God to grant you discernment on who He is providing to join your team.  Then take the needed step of faith to reach out and share the real and genuine battle that is at hand.  Waging war on your own is much harder and scarier than actually asking someone to engage you.  We have the privilege to ask or to extend a helping hand.  Let’s be the body of Christ for each other in wars that have already been won on our behalf.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Carol Clark
    June 16, 2017 at 7:53 am

    Thank you for this. I needed to hear it. Very well done.

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